What we do like is a favorite anchorage after a long day’s sail. And lo and behold, here we are! In Ocracoke, North Carolina. This is one of my all time top-ten places to visit. When we were here last year, we thoroughly enjoyed biking around town with our friends, AJ and Lisa.
Lisa… the thrift shop wasn’t the same, but I did come up with $7 worth of treasures. This pic’s for you!
Yes, that's a brand new, wind-up shortwave radio from L.L. Bean. I think she charged me 2 bucks for that. And who doesn't need hula girl coasters?!? A banner day.
Oh! And guess who we've anchored next to!?
Either that, or we’ve upgraded. I could deal with a Catana 43!
Amy and Arthur, and their two kids are traveling in our same general direction…hope we get to know them better. Could make for some interesting radio hailing!
“Morning Glory, Morning Glory, Morning Glory- this is Morning Glory, Morning Glory”…etc. Oh my!- Hope we can do that just once.
A few more things I love about Coastal North Carolina…
I liked this Pirate Ship, too.
The captain, however, had his head in a hatch working on a recalcitrant carburetor.
He didn’t find it funny when they fired upon us with their fake cannon.
All about timing, eh, folks?
And did I mention finding old friends? Thanks to facebook, I’ve reconnected with friends from my childhood church, Allapattah Methodist. One of those youts is now Pastor Susan Lindblade, in Newport, North Carolina. Susan was sweet enough to drive down to Swansboro and take us to dinner when we sailed through last week. It was great to reconnect, talk about old times, and eat fried seafood. (We ARE in Coastal NC, after all!). We took a picture to prove we really did find each other- and to make other old friends jealous, so they’ll be on board for a get-together in the near future. Hope it works. The pic's on facebook, and I can't get it to move! Guess you'll have to go hunting for it, if you really want to. Another challenge.
It’s so good to be here, in Ocracoke. The weather isn’t favorable for leaving for another day or two…which makes me even happier! I could perch here for months! Matter of fact, I keep seeing vacation rentals… Whaddya think, kids? Could we do a family vacay here next year?
How far from Wilmington is that? Looks like you are having a great time! Cant wait to see you guys in July!
Not far, Josh. Actually, the pic of the people digging for clams was taken as we passed through Wilmington! (Not that you can tell much- we were pretty far away. Could've been a great shot, though!- if I'd changed lenses. Hate how that happens.)
who'd-a thunk you'd need coasters on a boat... ;) love you!
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