Monday, August 2, 2010

Along the Waterway

We're in North Carolina now... Passing through Wrightsville Beach, to be exact. Here the ICW is separated from the ocean by just a thin strip of sandy dunes and marsh. In the distance, we can see the beach houses of the rich and famous to the east of us...

and then, on the other bank, an occasional "van down by the river". (note the blue tarp yard).

or geodesic dome house. (doesn't it remind you of a pac man?)

Or giraffe... (who knew!)

I guess I should say "whatever floats your boat".
Or not, if you get out of the channel like these guys. (And isn't there always the guy in the littler boat coming along to make you feel worse. "Ya'll need any help?")

Our pace is timed to bridge openings (which frustrates the captain to no end!)

... and we're just toodlin' along, heading north...

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